November Flower Lore: Chrysanthemum
Flowers, perhaps more than any other part of the natural world, are fascinating because of the many layers of meaning people have shrouded them in throughout account. There is a whole sub-category of etiquette surrounding which flowers are appropriate to give at what times, and to whom. The unending rules surrounding something indeed simple as a flower can atomic number 4 dizzying. Another aspect of flowers concerns the designated flowers for each month of the twelvemonth. The official flower for November is the chrysanthemum operating theatre "mum" for short.
Chrysanthemum History and Lore

Chrysanthemums are a perennial flowering herb first civilized in China more than 3,500 days past. It takes its name from Greek words chrysous, meaningful "golden" and anthemon, signification "prime." They are the peak most related to with autumn.
Over time, populate cultivated chrysanthemums pertinent that the varieties about people have in their gardens are very different from the wild version. Tamed chrysanthemums are untold enthusiast than intractable ones, and can come in a wide lay out of colours and shapes. From daisy-like cultivars to buttons to pompoms and more, gardeners now realise 13 distinct blooms shapes. And piece wild chrysanthemums are always yellow, civilised flowers can be gabardine, red, purple, pink, sick, orange …
Chrysanthemum Meanings
In China, people have long successful a pleasing drink from the flowers, titled simply chrysanthemum tea, and the leaves are eaten roiled or boiled. The works is also a potent insect powder (keep away from pets!) and has traditionally been used medicinally for its antibacterial and fungicidal properties.
In the United States, chrysanthemums are associated amorously, luck, and happiness. In all but of Asia, and in certain European countries, though, they are associated with expiry and mourning and are indrawn for use in funeral arrangements. In Japanese Archipelago, where the flower has become the formalised allegory for the Saturnia pavonia, chrysanthemums are celebrated with an annual "Festival of Happiness."
caring for your potted chrysanthemums

Ready to transplant yours to the garden? See our helpful tips along caring for your potted mums here.
Jaime McLeod
Jaime McLeod is a longtime journalist World Health Organization has written for a wide variety of newspapers, magazines, and websites, including She enjoys the outdoors, growing and feeding organic food, and is interested in all aspects of natural wellness.
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