Sysco All in 2019 Fox Performing Arts Center 21 De Septiembre
Oxnard es una ciudad en el condado de Ventura, California , Estados Unidos. En la costa sur de California , es la ciudad más poblada del condado de Ventura y la 22ª ciudad más poblada de California. Incorporada en 1903, Oxnard se encuentra aproximadamente a 60 millas (97 km) al oeste del centro de Los Ángeles y es parte del área metropolitana de Los Ángeles más grande .
Oxnard, California | |
Ciudad | |
Ciudad de Oxnard | |
En el sentido de las agujas del reloj: puerto de Aqueduct Islands ; Museo de Arte Carnegie ; hotel en la playa | |
Bandera Logo | |
Apodo (due south): Puerta de entrada a las Islas del Canal | |
![]() Ubicación en el condado de Ventura y el estado de California | |
Oxnard Ubicación en los Estados Unidos Oxnard Oxnard (Estados Unidos)
| |
Coordenadas: 34 ° 11′29 ″ N 119 ° 10′57 ″ Westward / 34.19139 ° Northward 119.18250 ° W / 34.19139; -119.18250 Coordenadas : 34 ° 11′29 ″ N 119 ° 10′57 ″ O / 34.19139 ° N 119.18250 ° W / 34.19139; -119.18250 | |
País | Estados Unidos |
Expresar | California |
condado | Ventura |
Incorporado | 30 de junio de 1903 [i] |
Nombrado para | Henry T. Oxnard |
Gobierno | |
• Tipo | Administrador del consejo |
• Ayuntamiento [3] | Alcalde John Zaragoza Bryan A. MacDonald Oscar Madrigal Gabe Teran Bert Perello Gabriela Basua Vianey Lopez |
• Tesorero de la ciudad | Phil Molina |
• Secretario de la ciudad | Rosa Chaparro [2] |
• Administrador de la ciudad | Alexander Nguyen |
Área [4] | |
• Total | 39,xiv millas cuadradas (101,38 km two ) |
• Tierra | 26,53 millas cuadradas (68,70 km 2 ) |
• Agua | 32,68 km ii (12,62 millas cuadradas ) 31,41% |
Elevación [5] | 52 pies (16 thousand) |
Población ( 2010 ) [six] | |
• Total | 197.899 |
• Estimación (2019) [7] | 208,881 |
• Rango | Primero en el condado de Ventura 22 en California 110 en los Estados Unidos |
• Densidad | 7,874.58 / mi sq (three,040.38 / km two ) |
• Densidad de metro | 7.360 millas cuadradas (ii.841 / km 2 ) |
Zona horaria | UTC − viii ( Pacífico ) |
• Verano ( DST ) | UTC-7 ( PDT ) |
Códigos postales [8] | 93030–93036 |
Codigo de AREA | 805,820 |
Código FIPS | 06-54652 |
ID de funciones de GNIS | 1652766 , 2411347 |
Sitio spider web | www |
Está en el borde occidental de la fértil llanura de Oxnard , adyacente a campos agrícolas con fresas, habas y otros cultivos de hortalizas. Oxnard es también un importante centro de transporte en el sur de California , con paradas de Amtrak , Union Pacific , Metrolink , Greyhound eastward Intercalifornias. También tiene un pequeño aeropuerto regional, Oxnard Airport (OXR).
La población de Oxnard era 208.881 a partir de 2019. [9] Es la ciudad más poblada de la mayoría en el Oxnard-Thousand Oaks-Ventura, CA área estadística metropolitana .
El centro de Oxnard, principios de 1900
Antes de la llegada de los europeos, el área estaba habitada por nativos americanos Chumash . El primer europeo en encontrar la zona fue el explorador João Rodrigues Cabrilho , quien la reclamó para España en 1542. Durante el período de la misión , la Misión San Buenaventura , establecida en 1782, utilizó la zona para la cría de ganado.
La ganadería comenzó a afianzarse entre los colonos de California , que perdieron su influencia regional cuando California se convirtió en un estado de EE. UU. En 1850. Aproximadamente al mismo tiempo, el área fue colonizada por agricultores estadounidenses, que cultivaban cebada y habas.
Henry T.Oxnard , fundador de American Crystal Sugar Company , con sede en Moorhead, Minnesota, que operaba una exitosa fábrica de remolacha azucarera con sus tres hermanos (Benjamin, James y Robert) en Chino, California , fue tentado para construir una fábrica de $ two millones en el llanura hacia el interior de Port Hueneme . [10] Poco después de la campaña de remolacha de 1897, surgió una nueva ciudad, ahora conmemorada en el Registro Nacional de Lugares Históricos como el Distrito Histórico Henry T. Oxnard . Oxnard tenía la intención de nombrar el asentamiento después de la palabra griega para "azúcar", zachari , pero frustrado por la burocracia, lo nombró en su honor. Dado el crecimiento potencial de la ciudad de Oxnard, en la primavera de 1898 se construyó una estación de ferrocarril para dar servicio a la planta, lo que atrajo una población de trabajadores chinos, japoneses y mexicanos y suficiente comercio para merecer la designación de una ciudad. Los hermanos Oxnard, que nunca vivieron en la ciudad del mismo nombre, vendieron tanto el Chino como la fábrica gigante de ladrillos rojos Oxnard en 1899 por casi $ 4 millones. La fábrica de Oxnard con sus emblemáticas chimeneas gemelas funcionó desde el nineteen de agosto de 1899 hasta el 26 de octubre de 1959. Las operaciones de la fábrica se interrumpieron en la huelga de Oxnard de 1903 .
Oxnard, 1908. La biblioteca pública está a la derecha.
Oxnard se incorporó como una ciudad de California el 30 de junio de 1903, y la biblioteca pública se abrió en 1907. [11] Antes y durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, las bases navales de Point Mugu y Port Hueneme se establecieron en el área para aprovechar del único puerto navegable importante en la costa de California entre el Puerto de Los Ángeles y la Bahía de San Francisco , y las bases, a su vez, alentaron el desarrollo de las industrias aeroespacial y de comunicaciones basadas en la defensa .
A mediados del siglo Twenty, Oxnard creció y desarrolló las áreas fuera del centro de la ciudad con hogares, industria, comercio minorista y un nuevo puerto llamado Aqueduct Islands Harbor . Martin V. ("Bud") Smith (1916-2001) se convirtió en un desarrollador influyente. La primera empresa de Smith en 1941 fue Colonial House Restaurant (demolido en 1988) y luego Railroad vehicle Wheel Junction en 1947 (demolido en 2011). [12] También participó en el desarrollo de las torres de gran altura en Topa Financial Plaza, [13] el puerto de Channel Islands, Casa Sirena Resort, el centro comercial Esplanade, [14] Fisherman'south Wharf, el centro comercial Railroad vehicle Foursquare , el Museo Marítimo y muchos otros proyectos de hoteles, restaurantes y tiendas. [xv] [xvi]
En junio de 2004, el Departamento de Policía de Oxnard y el Sheriff del Condado de Ventura impusieron una orden judicial contra pandillas sobre un área de 17 km 2 (half dozen.6 millas cuadradas ) del distrito central de la ciudad , con el fin de restringir la actividad de las pandillas. [17] La orden judicial fue confirmada en el Tribunal Superior del Condado de Ventura y se convirtió en una ley permanente en 2005. [18] Una orden judicial similar se impuso en septiembre de 2006 en un área de iv.26 millas cuadradas (eleven.0 km 2 ) del lado sur de la ciudad. [nineteen] Las actividades prohibidas incluyen la asociación con otros pandilleros conocidos, la intimidación de testigos , la posesión de armas de fuego o el uso de gestos de pandillas . [20] Desde entonces, las decisiones judiciales han hecho que agregar personas a las órdenes civiles sea más estricto, debido a demandas en los condados de Los Ángeles y Orange. Los jueces determinaron que era inconstitucional que las personas fueran agregadas a una orden judicial de pandillas sin una audiencia de debido proceso. Como resultado de los recortes presupuestarios debido a la pandemia de COVID-19 , la policía de Oxnard dejó de mantener y hacer cumplir la orden judicial en 2020. [21]
Oxnard se encuentra en la llanura de Oxnard, united nations área con suelo fértil. Con sus playas, dunas, humedales, arroyos y el río Santa Clara , el área contiene una serie de importantes comunidades biológicas. Las comunidades de plantas nativas incluyen: matorrales de salvia costera , pastizales anuales de California y especies de matorrales de dunas costeras; sin embargo, la mayoría de las plantas nativas han sido eliminadas dentro de los límites de la ciudad para dar paso a la agricultura y el desarrollo urbano e industrial. También es nativa de la región la en peligro de extinción Ventura Marsh Milkvetch , y la última población autosuficiente está en Oxnard, en el centro de un desarrollo de viviendas aprobado. [22]
El río Santa Clara separa Oxnard y Ventura. Los afluentes de este río incluyen Sespe Creek, Piru Creek y Castaic Creek.
Oxnard se encuentra en una placa tectónicamente activa, ya que la mayor parte de la costa de California está cerca de los límites entre las placas del Pacífico y de América del Norte . La Falla de San Andrés , que delimita este límite, está a unas forty millas de distancia.
Una falla activa que atraviesa Oxnard es la falla de Oak Ridge , que se extiende a ambos lados del valle del río Santa Clara hacia el oeste desde las montañas de Santa Susana , cruza la llanura de Oxnard a través de Oxnard y se extiende hasta el canal de Santa Bárbara . La costa está sujeta a inundaciones por un tsunami de hasta 23 pies de altura. [23]
La falla ha demostrado ser un contribuyente significativo a la actividad sísmica en la región de Oxnard y más allá. Se cree que el terremoto de 6.7 Mw de Northridge que ocurrió el 17 de enero de 1994 ocurrió en la extensión de Santa Clarita de la falla de Oak Ridge. Se observaron deslizamientos de tierra y rotura de crestas como resultado del terremoto de Northridge sobre Moorpark , una ciudad a 19,6 millas (31,5 km) [24] al este de Oxnard. [25]
Oxnard es la ubicación de la oficina de pronóstico del Servicio Meteorológico Nacional que sirve al área de Los Ángeles. [26] La ciudad está situada en una zona climática mediterránea ( subtropical seca ), que experimenta inviernos suaves y relativamente húmedos, y veranos cálidos y secos, en un clima llamado clima mediterráneo de verano cálido . Las brisas terrestres mantienen a las comunidades de Oxnard más frescas en verano y más cálidas en invierno que las del interior. La temperatura media promedio es de 61 ° F (16 ° C). La temperatura mínima promedio es de 11 ° C (52 ° F) y la temperatura máxima promedio es de 21 ° C (69 ° F). Generalmente el clima es templado y seco, con 354 días de sol al año. La precipitación media anual es de 397 mm (15,62 pulgadas). [27]
Datos climáticos de Oxnard ( Aeropuerto de Camarillo ), California 1981–2010, extremos 1952 – presente | |||||||||||||
Mes | ene | february | mar | abr | Mayo | jun | jul | agone | sep | oct | november | dic | Año |
Registro alto ° F (° C) | 94 (34) | xc (32) | 94 (34) | 98 (37) | 98 (37) | 93 (34) | 94 (34) | 96 (36) | 101 (38) | 101 (38) | 98 (37) | 93 (34) | 101 (38) |
Promedio alto ° F (° C) | 65,5 (18,6) | 65,3 (18,5) | 65,8 (18,eight) | 68,eight (20,4) | 71,1 (21,7) | 72,5 (22,five) | 75,ix (24,iv) | 76,eight (24,ix) | 76,6 (24,8) | 73,5 (23,i) | 70,3 (21,three) | 65,v (18,6) | 70,half-dozen (21,five) |
Promedio bajo ° F (° C) | 43,ii (vi,2) | 42,2 (5,7) | 46,half dozen (8,1) | 47,9 (8,8) | 51,7 (10,9) | 56,two (xiii,four) | 58.0 (14.iv) | 58,v (xiv,7) | 57,0 (13,nine) | 52,7 (11,5) | 46,7 (8,ii) | 42,1 (5,6) | 50,2 (ten,1) |
Grabar bajo ° F (° C) | 25 (−four) | 30 (−1) | xxx (−1) | 33 (1) | 36 (2) | 42 (half dozen) | 46 (8) | 49 (nine) | 43 (6) | 35 (2) | 31 (−1) | 27 (−iii) | 25 (−4) |
Precipitación promedio pulgadas (mm) | 3,47 (88) | iii,71 (94) | two,65 (67) | 0,79 (20) | 0,31 (seven,9) | 0,05 (1,3) | 0,02 (0,51) | 0,04 (1,0) | 0,18 (4,vi) | 0,63 (xvi) | 1,31 (33) | 2,06 (52) | 15,22 (385,31) |
Fuente: NOAA [28] [29] |
Vida salvaje y ecología
El área contiene varias comunidades biológicas importantes. Las comunidades de plantas nativas incluyen las especies de matorrales de salvia costera , pastizales anuales de California y matorrales de dunas costeras; sin embargo, la mayoría de las plantas nativas han sido eliminadas dentro de los límites de la ciudad para dar paso al desarrollo. También es nativa de la región la en peligro de extinción Ventura Marsh Milkvetch , con la última población autosuficiente en Oxnard en el centro de united nations desarrollo de viviendas. [22]
El equilibrio de la vida silvestre en Oxnard es like al de la mayoría de los lugares en el sur de California, y los pequeños mamíferos son comunes en áreas urbanizadas, como ardillas, mapaches y zorrillos. Los coyotes se alimentan de estos mamíferos más pequeños. Las aves pequeñas y los mamíferos pueden ser alimento para perros y gatos callejeros, salvajes y mascotas. [30]
Oxnard tiene más plantas de energía costeras que cualquier otra ciudad de California, con tres plantas de energía de combustibles fósiles que proporcionan energía a las ciudades de los condados de Ventura y Santa Bárbara. [31] [32] La Agencia de Protección Ambiental de California (CalEPA) ha identificado a Oxnard como una ciudad excesivamente agobiada por múltiples fuentes de contaminación. [33] Dos de las centrales eléctricas utilizan refrigeración por agua del océano. [34] [35] La Oficina de Evaluación de Riesgos para la Salud Ambiental ha clasificado a gran parte de Oxnard en el x por ciento superior de los códigos postales más afectados negativamente por la contaminación en el estado. [33] [36] En mayo de 2015, el Ayuntamiento de Oxnard votó por unanimidad para extender la moratoria de la ciudad sobre la construcción de plantas de energía. Esta extensión de la moratoria se produjo debido a la propuesta de NRG / Southern California Edison, también conocida como Puente Power Project, [33] para construir una nueva planta de energía de combustibles fósiles. A la mañana siguiente, un representante de NRG expuso su caso para reemplazar la antigua planta de generación de energía en la playa de Mandalay por una nueva planta de alta tecnología, mucho más limpia y más eficiente. [37]
Los pesticidas se utilizan en los campos agrícolas que rodean Oxnard, ya que el área es uno de los principales productores de fresas del país , y la agricultura es uno de los principales contribuyentes a la economía de Oxnard. Las fresas dependen de grandes aplicaciones de fumigantes que contienen pesticidas. El Center for Health Journalism informó cuatro códigos postales con el mayor uso de pesticidas en el estado agrupados alrededor de Oxnard. [38]
La escuela secundaria Rio Mesa , rodeada por campos agrícolas de la llanura de Oxnard, ha estado en el centro de una queja de la Ley de Derechos Civiles del Título VI desde 1999, que abarca tres generaciones. [38] El Título Six prohíbe a los beneficiarios de fondos federales discriminar por motivos de raza, color u origen nacional. La Agencia de Protección Ambiental de los Estados Unidos (EPA) otorga rutinariamente a los reguladores de pesticidas de California millones de dólares en subvenciones. La EPA está obligada a garantizar que los beneficiarios de sus fondos cumplan con el Título VI. [39] Los demandantes argumentan que los reguladores de pesticidas de California violaron el Título Six, al aprobar permisos para toxinas que impactaron desproporcionadamente a los escolares latinos, que asistían a escuelas adyacentes a campos con los niveles más altos de bromuro de metilo en el estado. [40]
Los estilos arquitectónicos históricos de las casas familiares del rancho Oxnard son la época victoriana, el estilo italiano y el gótico carpintero. [41] En el distrito histórico Henry T. Oxnard , hay cinco casas Prairie School y ocho Tudor Revival . [42] El distrito incluye Misión / Renacimiento español , Bungalow / artesano , Renacimiento colonial y otra arquitectura. [43]
Paisaje urbano
Oxnard es una combinación de vecindarios y desarrollo urbano centrado en el centro, la costa y las áreas portuarias. [44] Los principales usos del suelo de la ciudad son industriales, residenciales, comerciales y espacios abiertos. [45] La ciudad se caracteriza por edificios de uno y dos pisos, con la única excepción de varios rascacielos en la parte norte de la ciudad. La ciudad está rodeada de tierras agrícolas y el Océano Pacífico, así como el río Santa Clara . El desarrollo main de la ciudad se encuentra a lo largo de la autopista 101 y las otras carreteras principales. [46]
El distrito histórico de Henry T. Oxnard es un 70 acres (28 hectáreas) distrito histórico que aparecía en el registro nacional de lugares históricos en Oxnard. Cubriendo aproximadamente las calles F y Grand, entre Palm y las calles 5, en la ciudad, el distrito incluye 139 edificios contribuyentes due east incluye casas construidas en su mayoría antes de 1925. [43] Contiene arquitectura Craftsman y Revival en abundancia. [42] [47]
Ormond Beach is a beach along the Oxnard declension. The beach, which stretches for two miles,[48] adjoins the Ormond Wetlands, some farmland, and power plant remains. Information technology covers the area in between Points Hueneme and Mugu, and is a well-known birding area. The beach historically independent marshes, salt flat, sloughs, and lagoons, but surrounding agriculture and manufacture have drained, filled, and degraded the beach and wetlands. Nonetheless, at that place is still a dune-transition zone-marsh organisation along much of the beach.[49] [50]
Historical population | |||
Census | Popular. | %± | |
1910 | 2,555 | — | |
1920 | four,417 | 72.nine% | |
1930 | 6,285 | 42.3% | |
1940 | 8,519 | 35.5% | |
1950 | 21,567 | 153.ii% | |
1960 | 40,265 | 86.vii% | |
1970 | 71,225 | 76.9% | |
1980 | 108,195 | 51.9% | |
1990 | 142,216 | 31.4% | |
2000 | 170,358 | 19.viii% | |
2010 | 197,899 | sixteen.2% | |
2019 (est.) | 208,881 | [vii] | v.5% |
U.S. Decennial Census[51] |
The 2010 United states of america Census[52] reported that Oxnard had a population of 197,899. The population density was 7358 people per square mile (ii,841/km2). The racial makeup of Oxnard included 95,346 (48.ii%) White, 5,771 (2.ix%) African American, 2,953 (1.5%) Native American, 14,550 (seven.4%) Asian, 658 (0.3%) Pacific Islander, 69,527 (35.1%) from other races, and 9,094 ( from two or more than races. In addition, 145,551 people (73.5%) were Hispanic or Latino, of any race. Not-Hispanic Whites were 14.ix% of the population in 2010,[53] compared to 42.half dozen% in 1980.[54]
The Census reported that 196,465 people (99.3% of the population) lived in households, 932 (0.5%) lived in non-institutionalized group quarters, and 502 (0.iii%) were institutionalized.
There were 49,797 households, out of which 25,794 (51.8%) had children under the age of 18 living in them, 28,319 (56.9%) were opposite-sexual activity married couples living together, 7,634 (15.3%) had a female householder with no husband present, 4,043 (8.1%) had a male householder with no married woman nowadays. There were iii,316 ( unmarried opposite-sexual activity partnerships, and 395 (0.viii%) aforementioned-sexual activity married couples or partnerships. 7,090 households (fourteen.2%) were made up of individuals, and 2,665 (v.4%) had someone living solitary who was 65 years of historic period or older. The average household size was 3.95. There were 39,996 families (fourscore.3% of all households); the average family size was iv.20.
The population was spread out, with 59,018 people (29.8%) under the historic period of 18, 23,913 people (12.i%) aged eighteen to 24, 57,966 people (29.3%) anile 25 to 44, xl,584 people (20.5%) anile 45 to 64, and 16,418 people (8.3%) who were 65 years of historic period or older. The median age was 29.ix years. For every 100 females, at that place were 103.0 males. For every 100 females age 18 and over, there were 102.iv males.
There were 52,772 housing units at an boilerplate density of 1,962 per foursquare mile (757.6/km2), of which 27,760 (55.7%) were owner-occupied, and 22,037 (44.iii%) were occupied by renters. The homeowner vacancy rate was 1.8%; the rental vacancy rate was 3.7%. 107,482 people (54.three% of the population) lived in possessor-occupied housing units and 88,983 people (45.0%) lived in rental housing units.
2000 census
As of the census[55] of 2000, there were 170,358 people, 43,576 households, and 34,947 families residing in the city. The population density was six,729.7 inhabitants per foursquare mile (2,598.eight/km2). There were 45,166 housing units at an boilerplate density of ane,784.two per square mile (689.0/kmtwo). The racial makeup of the metropolis was 42.1% White, 3.eight% African American, 1.3% Native American, 7.4% Asian, 0.4% Pacific Islander, 40.four% from other races, and 4.7% from 2 or more than races. Two-thirds of the population (66.ii%) was Hispanic or Latino of any race.
In that location were 43,576 households, out of which 46.i% had children under the historic period of 18 living with them, 59.4% were married couples living together, 14.1% had a female householder with no married man present, and 19.8% were non-families. 14.6% of all households were made up of individuals, and 5.half-dozen% had someone living lonely who was 65 years of historic period or older. The average household size was 3.85 and the average family unit size was four.sixteen
In the urban center, the population was spread out, with 31.8% under the age of 18, 11.8% from xviii to 24, 31.0% from 25 to 44, 17.3% from 45 to 64, and who were 65 years of age or older. The median age was 29 years. For every 100 females, there were 104.6 males. For every 100 females age eighteen and over, at that place were 104.0 males.
The median income for a household in the city was $48,603, and the median income for a family unit was $49,150. Males had a median income of $30,643 versus $25,381 for females. The per capita income for the city was $15,288. About xi.4% of families and xv.ane% of the population were beneath the poverty line, including 18.four% of those nether historic period xviii and 8.8% of those age 65 or over.
The economy of Oxnard includes defense, international merchandise, agriculture, manufacturing, and tourism. Oxnard is a manufacturing center in the Greater Los Angeles Expanse. The Port of Hueneme is the only deep-harbor commercial port between Los Angeles and San Francisco and moves trade inside the Pacific Rim economies. Companies utilizing the Port include Del Monte Foods, Chiquita, BMW, Land Rover, and Jaguar.[ citation needed ] Other industries include finance, transportation, the high tech manufacture, and energy, specially petroleum. Ii big active oil fields underlie the city and side by side areas: the Oxnard Oil Field, east of the metropolis forth 5th Street, and the West Montalvo Oil Field forth the declension to the west of boondocks. Tenby Inc.'s Oxnard Refinery, on 5th Street due east of Del Norte Artery, processes oil from both fields.[ citation needed ]
Co-ordinate to the city'south 2009 Comprehensive Annual Financial Study,[56] the pinnacle employers in the metropolis are:
# | Employer | # of Employees |
ane | St. John's Regional Medical Center | 1,994 |
2 | Oxnard Spousal relationship High School District | 1,500 |
3 | Waterway Plastics | 1,300 |
4 | City of Oxnard | one,167 |
5 | Haas Automation | 996 |
6 | Aluminum Precision Products | 700 |
Other major employers include Naval Base of operations Ventura County, Boskovich Farms, PTI Technologies, Procter & Hazard, Seminis, Spatz Laboratories, and Gills Onions.[57]
Some of the major companies headquartered in Oxnard are Haas Automation, Seminis, Raypak, Pulsate Workshop, Borla Operation,[58] Dominate Audio, Seed Beauty,[59] and Robbins Auto Tops[60] Procter & Adventure[61] [62] and Sysco maintain their Due west Coast operations in Oxnard.
In October 2020, city officials announced that once a large swath of agricultural country is fully developed into an business park by late 2021, it estimates that upward to viii,700 jobs volition be created in the area. The expanse will include an Amazon fulfillment center.[63]
Co-ordinate to the Camarillo General Plan:[64] "The areas studied showed a loftier percentage of Group I soils, primarily located on the relatively apartment Oxnard Evidently. The Oxnard Evidently, because of these high-quality agricultural soils, coupled with a favorable climate, is considered ane of the most fertile areas in the globe."
In 1995, SOAR (Save Open Space and Agricultural Resource) was initiated past farmers, ranchers and citizens of Ventura County to go on land in the Oxnard Patently from evolution.
The Oxnard Plain is well known for its strawberries. Co-ordinate to the USDA, Oxnard is California's largest strawberry producer, supplying near one-tertiary of the Country's annual strawberry volume.[65] From the end of September through the end of October, strawberries are planted and harvesting occurs from mid-December through mid-July in Oxnard. The acme harvesting season in California runs from April through June, when up to 10 meg pint baskets of strawberries are shipped daily.[66] The country of California supplies over 85 per centum of U.Due south. strawberries, with the U.S. supplying a quarter of total world product of strawberries.
Each year Oxnard hosts the California Strawberry Festival[67] during the summer at College Park next to Oxnard College, featuring vendors as well as food items based on the fruit such every bit strawberry nachos, strawberry pizza, strawberry funnel cake, strawberry sundaes, and strawberry champagne.[68] [69]
In 2018, eighty% of the voters approved a cannabis tax.[70] The urban center council adopted a "go slow" approach upon the legalization of recreational cannabis in California.[71] Afterwards an initial ban, businesses that focus on manufacturing, testing and distributing cannabis were allowed to apply for a permit to operate in July 2019.[72] [73] [74] The council decided in September 2020 to allow 10 licences to be issued.[75] Companies must exist licensed by the local bureau and the land to grow, test, or sell cannabis and the urban center may authorize none or only some of these activities. Local governments may not prohibit adults, who are in compliance with state laws, from growing, using, or transporting marijuana for personal use.
arte y Cultura
Oxnard cultural institutions include the Carnegie Art Museum, founded in 1907 as the Oxnard Public Library past philanthropist Andrew Carnegie; the Chandler Vintage Museum of Transportation and Wild animals, founded by the late Los Angeles Times publisher Otis Chandler, the Murphy Auto Museum,[76] and the Channel Islands Maritime Museum.[77] The Henry T. Oxnard Celebrated Commune[78] is adjacent to the commercial downtown surface area and dates back to the founding of the urban center. Heritage Square in downtown is a collection of restored Victorian and Craftsman houses that were once endemic by Oxnard's pioneer ranching families.[79] [eighty] Heritage Square is abode to the Petit Playhouse[81] and the Aristocracy Theatre Company.[82] The Oxnard Performing Arts and Convention Heart[83] [84] is dwelling to the New Westward Symphony.[85] Oxnard besides has the Oxnard Independent Film Festival[86] and the annual Channel Islands Tall Ships Festival.[87] The Herzog Winery is based in Oxnard[88] along with other wine tasting rooms.[89] During late July, the annual Salsa Festival is held in downtown Oxnard, featuring a salsa tasting tent, local bands, a large dance floor, local vendors, too every bit many salsa based nutrient vendors. [90]
The Dallas Cowboys held their pre-flavour training camp at River Ridge Field in Oxnard in 2001, 2004–06, 2008–10 and 2012-xvi (the Cowboys trained at California Lutheran University in nearby Thousand Oaks in 1963–89). The New Orleans Saints trained in Oxnard in 2011.[91] The Los Angeles Raiders trained at River Ridge in the 1980s and 90s.[92]
On February iv, 2016, the Los Angeles Rams (an NFL team) selected Oxnard to be the site of their Official Team Activities and mini camp. On February 19, 2016, the city of Oxnard and the Rams reached a tentative agreement to host official team activities or OTAs and minicamp at River Ridge Playing Fields and on Feb 23, 2016, the Oxnard City Council voted unanimously v-0 to allow the Los Angeles Rams to use the River Ridge Playing Fields facility from Apr xviii to June 17 and the locker room infinite from March 28 until June 24.
River Ridge Golf Grade has two xviii-pigsty courses flanked by housing developments.[93]
Oxnard lies within the 26th congressional district, which is represented past Democrat Julia Brownley.
The city of Oxnard is served by 54 public school campuses which provide educational activity to more than 53,000 students in grades K–12.
Unproblematic and junior high schools
The metropolis of Oxnard and surrounding communities are served by four different school districts which oversee didactics for students grades K–8. They are:
- Hueneme School District: Serves 7,600 students at 11 campuses in S Oxnard, Port Hueneme and Oxnard beach neighborhoods.
- Oxnard Schoolhouse District: Serves xviii,000 students at 21 campuses throughout Oxnard.
- Ocean View Elementary School District: Serves 3,000 students at 6 campuses in Due south Oxnard.
- Rio Schoolhouse District: Serves 5,000 students at 8 campuses in North Oxnard and El Rio.
On Feb 12, 2008, a shooting involving students occurred at Due east.O. Light-green Junior High School in Oxnard. Larry King was shot in one of the classrooms where he was later taken to St. John'southward Hospital and died.[94]
There are a number of private K–8 schools in Oxnard. These include several Catholic schools which are administered by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles and the non-denominational Mary Law Private School.
High schools
All public high schools in Oxnard are operated by the Oxnard Union High School District (OUHSD), which provides high schoolhouse educational activity to 20,000 students at 10 campuses in three cities (Oxnard, Camarillo and Port Hueneme) as well every bit the unincorporated areas of El Rio, Somis, Argent Strand, and Hollywood Beach. OUHSD campuses in and around Oxnard include Channel Islands High Schoolhouse, Hueneme High Schoolhouse, Oxnard High School, Pacifica High School, Oxnard Heart Higher High School, and Rio Mesa Loftier Schoolhouse, besides as Oxnard Adult Schoolhouse.[95] Additionally, construction of a new high school has been begun, Del Sol High School.[96]
Santa Clara High Schoolhouse is a private Cosmic high school.
Colleges and universities
Cal Lutheran Oxnard Center
Oxnard is served on the collegiate level past Oxnard Higher and nearby California Country Academy Channel Islands. Additionally, California Lutheran University, California Country University, Northridge, University of Phoenix, University of California, Santa Barbara, National University, and Azusa Pacific Academy accept satellite campuses in Oxnard.
A free public library system is operated by the city with 3 locations: the Downtown Principal Library, the Colonia Branch Library, and the Southward Oxnard Co-operative Library.[97] Some library sites include a Homework Center and an adjacent to daycare middle.
Oxnard collects and processes trash, recyclables, and green waste for its citizens and businesses.[98] The city also has a large handling institute for the collection of wastewater through the sanitary sewer.[99]
The Ventura State highway (US 101) is the major highway running through Oxnard, connecting Ventura and Santa Barbara to the northwest, and Los Angeles to the southeast. The Pacific Coast Highway (State Route i) heads down the coast s to Malibu. Highway 34 (Fifth Street) connects downtown Oxnard with Camarillo by running east parallel with the Southern Pacific Coast Line, which carries Coast Starlight, Pacific Surfliner and Metrolink Ventura County Line rider trains. Highway 232 (Vineyard Artery), heads northeast, providing connections to California State Road 118 to Saticoy and the junction with California State Road 126 which goes to Santa Paula, Fillmore and Santa Clarita.
The Port of Hueneme is located south of Oxnard in the city of Port Hueneme and is jointly operated past the Usa Navy and the Oxnard Harbor District. The port is the only deep water port between the Port of Long Beach and the Port of San Francisco too every bit the but military deep water port between San Diego Bay and Puget Audio.
The Port of Hueneme is a aircraft and receiving betoken for a wide variety of resource with destinations in the larger population centers of the Los Angeles Basin. Resource include automobiles, pineapples, and bananas. Agricultural products such equally onions, strawberries, and flowers are shipped.[100]
The United States Navy maintains a facility at Port Hueneme, in support of the naval air station at Bespeak Mugu to the south, with which it comprises Naval Base of operations Ventura County. Port Hueneme is the Westward Coast home of the Naval Construction Force, the "Seabees", besides equally a link in the coastal radar system.
Aqueduct Islands Harbor provides moorings for both recreational boating and commercial fishing. It shares the nickname "Gateway to the Channel Islands" with Ventura Harbor seven miles (xi km) to the north because operations that sheet to the islands out of the harbors. Both harbors are vital line-fishing industry harbors.
Oxnard Airport is a general aviation airport within the urban center that is owned and operated by the County of Ventura. While commercial service was offered in the past, no airlines currently provide service.
Public transit
The Oxnard Transit Center serves as a major transit hub for the city, also as the west canton.
- Metrolink
- Six circular-trip trains from Ventura Canton Line provide commuter service to Los Angeles on weekdays during peak hours.
- Amtrak
- Ten round-trip Pacific Surfliners daily through Los Angeles to San Diego. Some northbound trains to Santa Barbara go on on to San Luis Obispo. The Coast Starlight, that travels from Los Angeles to Seattle stops twice a day (once going due north, one time going due south), make the west Ventura County stop here (east county cease is Simi Valley).
- Gold Coast Transit District
- Operates local bus service in the urban center of Oxnard, Port Hueneme, Ventura, and Ojai. Its hub is the Oxnard Transit Center. [101]
- VCTC Intercity
- Operates three Conejo Connectedness buses during peak hours, towards the Warner Middle Transit Hub in the San Fernando Valley, connecting with the Metro G Line. The Conejo Connexion does non go to the Oxnard Transit Center, but instead stops at the Esplanade Shopping Centre near Highway 101. [102] VCTC also operates the Coastal Connectedness through Ventura towards Santa Barbara and Goleta from the Esplanade. [103]
A smaller transfer middle sits at the Centerpoint Mall on C Street, which Gold Coast Transit sends virtually of their South Oxnard and Port Hueneme routes out from. VCTC also operates the Oxnard-CSUCI route that goes to California Land University, Channel Islands and Oxnard College from this transfer center.[104]
Gente notable
Political and cultural
César Chávez at a United Subcontract Workers rally, 1974
- Lucy Hicks Anderson: trans-woman, socialite, and chef, almost notable for being tried in the Ventura County court for perjury for marrying a homo while "masquerading" equally a adult female in 1945.[105]
- Lupe Anguiano: former nun and civil rights activist known for her work on women'due south rights, the rights of the poor, and the protection of the environs.
- John L. Canley: retired The states Marine and recipient of the U.S. military'due south highest ornamentation, the Medal of Honor.
- César Chávez: subcontract worker, political activist and spousal relationship leader, lived in the Colonia surface area of Oxnard during his childhood. Several streets and schools in the Oxnard area and surrounding areas carry his name. A dwelling he lived in is on Wright Road in the El Rio neighborhood, northwest of Highway 101 and Rose Artery, where Chavez lived with his family in the belatedly 1950s while working equally an abet for local farmworkers. Also the office of the National Subcontract Workers Association - which later became United Subcontract Workers — on Cooper Route, east of Garfield Avenue in the Colonia neighborhood. The Oxnard office opened in 1966, the yr of a historic march from Delano to Sacramento.[106] [107]
- William P. Clark: politician, served under President Ronald Reagan as the Deputy Secretary of State from 1981 to 1982, United States National Security Advisor from 1982 to 1983, and the Secretary of the Interior from 1983 until 1985.
- Alicia Cuarón: Mexican-American educator, human rights activist, and Franciscan nun
- Jean Harris: credited with protecting Ormond Beach Wetlands and Oxnard State Beach
- Meagan Hockaday: killed by police[108]
- Maria Gulovich Liu: Ventura Canton real manor agent, OSS amanuensis in WWII[109]
- Armando Xavier Ochoa: was the Bishop of Fresno and was formerly the Bishop of El Paso.
- Carmen Perez is an activist on issues of civil rights, including mass incarceration, women's rights and gender equity, violence prevention, racial healing and community policing.[110]
- Alfred V. Rascon: awarded the Medal of Honor—the United States' highest military ornament.
- James Sumner: awarded the Medal of Laurels—the United States' highest war machine decoration, later on military machine service, he resided in Oxnard.
- Nao Takasugi: California State Assembly and mayor of Oxnard.
- Gilbert, Jaime, and Mario Hernandez: creators of the blackness-and-white independent comic Dearest and Rockets.
- Joyce La Mers, author of light poetry.
- Michele Serros, American author, poet, comedic social commentator and writer for the George Lopez TV series.
Musicians and entertainers
- DJ Babu: Filipino American disc jockey for the Beat Junkies and Dilated Peoples
- Ritchie Blackmore: guitarist with Deep Purple and founder of Ritchie Blackmore's Rainbow.
- Sonny Bono & Cher: Record producers, singers, actors; famous for Sonny & Cher pop duo and TV serial, had a beach abode in Oxnard Shores, Oxnard[111]
- Brooke Candy: rapper
- Dave Carter: American folk vocalist-songwriter
- Down AKA Kilo: rapper
- Dave Grohl: musician
- Sick Repute: hardcore punk band and leaders of the Nardcore motility
- Kankick: American hip-hop producer
- Homer Keller: composer (1915–1996)
- Madlib: Oxnard-based record producer, musician, rapper, and DJ noted for his piece of work and collaborations in the jazz and hip-hop scenes
- Rich Moore: Academy Award-winning animation director (The Simpsons), and co-owner of Rough Typhoon Studios, Inc.
- Nails: powerviolence band
- Oh No: hip-hop rapper, producer and blood brother of Madlib who is signed to Stones Throw Records[112]
- Anderson .Paak: rapper, singer, songwriter, and drummer famous for reviving west coast soul and R&B
- Dudley Perkins: rapper, vocalizer, songwriter, producer
- Ryan Seaman: drummer
- Shirley Verrett: operatic mezzo-soprano, 1931–2010
- The Warriors: hardcore band
- Steve Zaragoza: internet personality, comedian, and host on SourceFed.
Scholars and scientists
- William Bright: Linguist, who specialized in Native American and South Asian languages
- J. Richard Chase: President of Biola University and Wheaton College
- Robert P. Precipitous: An American geomorphologist and expert on the geological surfaces of the Earth and the planet Mars, born and raised in Oxnard.
Business people
- Martin V. ("Bud") Smith: programmer and philanthropist. The well-nigh significant developer in the Oxnard area. Congenital the Fiscal Plaza Towers and financed structure of CSUCI'southward schoolhouse of business and economics. His start existent estate projection was the Wagon Wheel Cabin & Eatery and Carriage Wheel Junction.[113] [114]
- Charles C. Lynch: is the onetime possessor of a metropolis-sanctioned, awarded in 2006, medical marijuana dispensary in Morro Bay, California. Lynch obtained a Medical marijuana dispensary Business License, a Medical Marijuana Nursery Let and was a member of the local Chamber of Commerce, he was built-in in Oxnard.
- Stanley Clark Meston: was an American architect, most famous for designing the original golden arches of McDonald'south restaurants, he was born in Oxnard.
- Ben Rich: was Director of Lockheed Skunk Works from 1975 to 1991 and retired to Oxnard.[115]
Actors and TV personalities
- Walter Brennan, actor, three-time winner of Academy Award, star of Telly series The Real McCoys and The Guns of Will Sonnett, died in Oxnard.
- Miles Brownish, actor who is best known for his role every bit Jack Johnson on the sitcom Black-ish.
- John Carradine, histrion, lived in Oxnard for many years.
- Lee Van Cleef, actor, died in Oxnard.
- Jeffrey Combs, actor.
- Brandon Cruz, kid thespian and pb singer of the punk ring Dr. Know, has family unit and a beach home in Oxnard.
- John Curtis Holmes, pornographic motion-picture show star of the 1970s, had ashes scattered at bounding main off the coast of Oxnard in 1988.
- Rich Moore, is an American film and tv animation director, screenwriter, vocalism actor, and a creative partner at both Crude Draft Studios and Walt Disney Blitheness Studios. SourceFed Host.[116]
- Isiah Mustafa, the "Former Spice Guy," former NFL player.
- Jamal Mixon, histrion.
- Bob Stephenson, actor, motion picture producer and screenwriter.
- Tricia Takasugi, reporter for KTTV Fox 11 News in Los Angeles.
- Dan Tullis Jr., an role player nearly notable for his role on the sitcom Married... with Children.
Athletes and sportspeople
- Bobby Ayala: onetime Major League Baseball game bullpen for the Cincinnati Reds, Seattle Mariners, Chicago Cubs and Montreal Expos; graduated from Rio Mesa Loftier School.
- Mark Drupe: motorcoach for the Cincinnati Reds; graduated from Hueneme High School.
- The Bryan brothers: professional ATP tennis doubles players who take graduated from Rio Mesa Loftier School.
- Lorenzo Booker: NFL running back.
- Graciela Casillas: boxer and kickboxer.
- Hugo Centeno Jr.: boxer in the Middleweight division.
- Keary Colbert: broad receiver for the Seattle Seahawks; best reception leader for USC Trojans; graduated from Hueneme Loftier Schoolhouse.
- Jacob Cruz: outfielder for the Cincinnati Reds; graduated from Channel Islands High School.
- Tim Curran: professional surfer; graduated from Oxnard High School.
- Lou Cvijanovich: winningest double-decker in California loftier school history; coached Santa Clara High Schoolhouse to 829 wins 1958–1999.
- Saying Dadashev trained in Oxnard with former world champion Buddy McGirt[117]
- Justin De Fratus: relief bullpen for the Philadelphia Phillies, grew up in Oxnard, attended Rio Mesa High and Ventura Junior College.
- Charles Dillon: wide receiver for Green Bay Packers; played for Ventura College and Washington Land; graduated from Hueneme High Schoolhouse in '04
- Terrance Dotsy: football player.
- Justin Dumais: diver of 2004 Summer Olympics.
- Beverly Dustrude: was a second base-woman who played in the All-American Girls Professional person Baseball League.
- Tony Ferguson: a professional mixed martial artist in the lightweight division of the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC); born in Oxnard.
- Scott Fujita: NFL linebacker for the Cleveland Browns; graduated from Rio Mesa High School and University of California, Berkeley.
- Mikey Garcia: boxer
- Robert Garcia: retired professional boxer; former IBF Super Featherweight Champion.
- Phil Giebler: race auto driver, won Indianapolis 500 Rookie of the Year award for 2007.
- Herculez Gomez: soccer player
- Jim Hall: race auto driver; two-time winning car owner of the Indianapolis 500.
- Lemuel Clarence "Bud" Houser: was a track athlete and won multiple Olympic golden medals; track athlete at Oxnard High School.
- Jeremy Jackson: pro UFC fighter, winner of Rex of the Mount 2004, contestant in Ultimate Fighter 4 : The Improvement.
- Ronney Jenkins: 2001 NFL Pro Bowl boot returner for the San Diego Chargers; graduated from Hueneme High School.
- Nicole Johnson: Monster Jam monster truck driver; graduated from Rio Mesa High Schoolhouse
- Marion Jones: athlete, butterfingers multiple Olympic gold medalist, attended and ran for Rio Mesa High School
- Eric King: former Major League Baseball pitcher; born in Oxnard.
- Tim Laker: former Major League Baseball catcher; played higher baseball at Oxnard Community College.
- Dave Laut: UCLA graduate won Olympic Statuary at the 1984 Summer Olympics for shot put.[118]
- Whitney Lewis: former USC Trojans and Academy of Northern Iowa wide receiver; won 2003 Glenn Davis Laurels for pinnacle player in Southern California
- Tony Malinosky: former Major League Baseball game shortstop for the Brooklyn Dodgers; longtime resident of Oxnard.
- Kristal Marshall: professional wrestler formerly with the Globe Wrestling Entertainment.
- Sergio Gabriel Martinez: boxer, based in Oxnard.
- Paul McAnulty: Major League Baseball outfielder with the San Diego Padres.
- Ken McMullen: onetime Major League Baseball game third baseman with the Los Angeles Dodgers; was born in Oxnard.
- Victor Ortíz: professional boxer.
- Mike Parrott: professional baseball histrion and coach; born in Oxnard.
- Corey Pavin: professional golfer; winner of many tournaments including 1995 U.S. Open; graduated from Oxnard High School.[119]
- Terry Pendleton: retired baseball role player, 1991 National League MVP; graduated from Channel Islands Loftier School.
- Josh Pinkard: gratis safety for 2-time national champion University of Southern California football game team; graduated from Hueneme High School.
- Brandon Rios: professional person boxer, the current WBA World lightweight champion.
- Jacob Rogers: offensive tackle for the Denver Broncos, three-year starter and All-American at USC; graduated from Oxnard High Schoolhouse.[120]
- Blaine Saipaia: football thespian for the St. Louis Rams; graduated from Channel Islands High School.
- Aaron Minor: former Major League Baseball game pitcher
- Paul Stankowski: professional golfer; graduated from Hueneme High School.
- Kevin Thomas: former National Football game League cornerback for the Buffalo Bills, graduated from Rio Mesa High School.
- Josh Towers: pitcher for the Toronto Blue Jays; graduated from Hueneme High School and Oxnard Higher.
- Steve Trachsel: pitcher for the Baltimore Orioles and four other MLB teams; was born in Oxnard and attended Hathaway Elementary.
- Fernando Vargas: retired boxer, ii-time light-middleweight boxing champion; graduated from Channel Islands High School.
- Dmitri Young: baseball game player for the Washington Nationals; graduated from Rio Mesa High School.
- Blake Wingle: offensive guard for the Pittsburgh Steelers, Green Bay Packers and the Cleveland Browns; graduated from Rio Mesa High School.
- Cierre Wood: a running back of the Canadian Football League (CFL); old member of the Houston Texans, the New England Patriots, and the Buffalo Bills. Graduated from Santa Clara High School.
Ciudades hermanas
Ocotlán, Jalisco (Mexico)[121]
Ver también
- Largest cities in Southern California
- Oxnard Air Force Base
- Oxnard, California−related topics
- ^ "California Cities by Incorporation Engagement". California Association of Local Agency Germination Commissions. Archived from the original (Give-and-take) on November iii, 2014. Retrieved August 25, 2014.
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Otras lecturas
- Frank P. Barajas, Curious Unions: Mexican American Workers and Resistance in Oxnard, California, 1898-1961. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 2012.
enlaces externos
- Official website
- Oxnard Convention and Visitors Bureau