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Indian Vegetarian Diet Plan for Bodybuilding

Indian Vegetarian Foods for Bodybuilding

You may think that your attempt to club muscle gain and Indian vegetarian foods for bodybuilding together is an unrealistic approach that will always meet with failure.  The most common thought is that Muscle gain is supported by protein intake and the richest sources of protein are only found in non-vegetarian diets. This is a myth that may be ruling the minds of the aspiring Indian bodybuilders, The Stallone, and Schwarzenegger of today's India. Can there really be some  Indian vegetarian foods for bodybuilding that would support your muscle gain efforts? Seems a bit unrealistic, but yes, it's true. The success of your muscle building efforts does not only depend on protein intake, but also on the consumption of appropriate quantities of other nutrients including vitamins, carbs, healthy fats, and minerals.

Here we present a list of top 15 Indian vegetarian foods for bodybuilding that will not only help you accomplish your muscle gain objectives, but would also help you lock your glamour by promoting holistic wellness:

Indian vegetarian foods for bodybuilding

Here is a list of best Indian Vegetarian Foods for Bodybuilding:

1. Low Fat Milk and Milk Products:

Milk has a unique protein profile with whey protein and casein protein constituting 20 percent and 80 percent of the total protein composition, respectively. Whey protein is especially noted for its quality and digestibility and it is one of the most preferred choices of protein supplementation among the world's top athletes. Casein has a slow digestibility rate that perfectly balances whey's digestibility rate.

When your body uses the whey protein quickly, casein remains to feed your muscles for the next several hours and to maintain a positive nitrogen balance in your body. Additionally, the rich calcium content of milk and dairy products promotes fat loss while strengthening your bones thereby helping you to stay fit for continued workouts.

When to consume Milk protein for bodybuilding:

The best time to take any protein supplement is

  • Pre-workout ( 30 mins prior to bodybuilding exercises). This will enhance Anabolism.
  • Immediately after a workout. that is the time your muscles really crave for nutrition and energy and the absorption level is maximum.
  •  Bedtime.
  •  When you wake up. your building body needs a lot of protein. if you are an eggitarian, having egg nog is the best. But if you are a vegetarian, don't be upset, milk will do the needful for you. to enhance the protein levels, you can add 2-3 tsp of skimmed milk powder to your glass of milk.

2. Banana:

Indian vegetarian foods for bodybuilding Image :Copyright: ragnarocks / 123RF Stock Photo

Bananas have high potassium content which prevents conditions, such as bloating and puffiness as well as soreness and cramps of the exercising muscles.  These conditions may be experienced during rigorous workout sessions of bodybuilding. Potassium keeps the body's glycogen stores refilled and promotes the transportation of protein to the muscles. Make sure that you prefer green bananas over the ripped ones.

When to consume Banana for bodybuilding:

The best time to take a banana for bodybuilding is as a pre-workout snack.

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3. Sweet Potato:

You may be wondering what sweet potato is doing in the list of Indian Vegetarian Foods for Bodybuilding. Sweet potatoes are low-calorie "powerhouse" carbohydrates that will keep your energy levels high during a heavy workout session. Sweet potatoes are a rich source of dietary fibers that are crucial for burning fat, controlling appetite, maintaining the health of the digestive system, and promoting muscle gain. It contains high potassium content that plays a vital role in maintaining electrolyte balance, muscle health, and nerve function during a rigorous workout session.

When to consume sweet potato for bodybuilding:

The best time to take a sweet potato for bodybuilding is as a pre-workout snack.

4. Asparagus:

Also known as Shatavari or jadibuti, asparagus is noted for its rich folate, fiber, chromium, and vitamins A, C, E, and K content. A storehouse of antioxidants, asparagus has the ability to neutralize free radicals that cause cell damage. Asparagus has high levels of the amino acid called asparagine which promotes the absorption of excess water and salt in the body and their release through urination. This proves to be useful for bodybuilders who are looking for a "ripped appearance" during competitions.

When to consume Asparagus for bodybuilding:

The best time to take asparagus for bodybuilding is as a salad, raw or boiled. Eat at least 4-5 times a week for lunch or dinner.

5. Oats:

Oats are rich sources of healthy carbohydrates and dietary fibers which boost the metabolic rate and promote enhanced performance during a training session. It has high levels of vitamin E, folic acid, thiamin, biotin, zinc, and iron which boost muscle healing rate after a workout.

When to consume Oats for bodybuilding:

The best time to take Oats for bodybuilding is as a pre-workout snack.

6. Nuts:

indian vegetarian foods for bodybuilding  Image : Copyright: kolotuschenko / 123RF Stock Photo

Nuts contain rich amounts of protein and healthy fats which make them a healthy choice for those looking to gain muscle. Cashews and almonds are packed with protein, fats, and fibers which help you maintain extra calories even after a tedious workout. Nuts are one of the few healthy snacks that are portable and can be enjoyed any time and at any place.

When to consume Nuts for bodybuilding:

The best time to take Nuts for bodybuilding is as a post-workout snack and early morning with your milk.

You May be interested in reading – Indian diet plan for bodybuilding. This is a detailed diet plan with both vegetarian and non – vegetarian option for our Indian readers.

7. Quinoa:

Quinoa, which contains all the 9 essential amino acids that the body cannot produce on its own, can be considered as a complete food for muscle growth. Hence it is one of the most prominent in the list of Indian Vegetarian Foods for Bodybuilding. It is a rich source of complex carbohydrates and protein which make it a steady supplier of energy during tedious workout sessions. Research has revealed that quinoa promotes the synthesis of IGF-1, which is a growth hormone that is essential for muscle mass growth and strength. It also contains magnesium, calcium, and iron that support the regulation of muscle tone. Quinoa is the seeds of a leafy plant but can be cooked like rice.

When to consume Quinoa for bodybuilding:

The best time to take quinoa for bodybuilding is as a pre-workout snack or for your main meal (breakfast, lunch or dinner).

8. Beans and Legumes:

Legumes and beans form a very important part of Indian Vegetarian Foods for Bodybuilding. Beans improve bowel movement and boost insulin response which impacts muscle growth positively by increasing the body's ability to absorb nutrients. You may enjoy a wholesome meal by combining beans with brown rice or may enjoy a healthy salad that contains a generous serving of chickpeas.

When to consume Legumes for bodybuilding:

The best time to take Legumes for bodybuilding is anytime throughout the day. As a body Builders diet is dominant is Protein, Legumes are the best vegetarian source of protein, it is advisable to consume a variety of legumes throughout the day in different forms in all the meals.

Indian Vegetarian Foods for Bodybuilding

Image : Copyright: ragnarocks / 123RF Stock Photo

Here are the details of the protein content of some legumes.

Legumes  (per 100 gms) Calories ( kcal ) Protein (gm)
Kidney bean  ( Rajma ) 333 7.2
Lima bean ( Sem phali ) 115 8
Chickpeas / Garbanzo bean ( Kabuli Chana ) 164 9
Black bean ( Kali urad ) 339 21
Soybean 446 36
Black eyes peas / Lobiya ( chavali ) 90 3
Lentil (yellow / orange / green / black) ( Masoor ) 116 9
Dry peas ( green / white) ( Matar ) 118 8
Fava beans (Val, ghewda, avarekai ) 88 8

9. Tofu:

Tofu is an alternative for high-protein non-vegetarian food items. A rich source of isoflavones and amino acids, tofu is noted for its ability to promote muscle growth. Besides, tofu also promotes fast recovery of sore muscles and tissues after a strenuous workout.

Controversy – Soy and its products have always been in controversy when it comes to bodybuilding.  Many believe that soy increases the feminine hormones in the body while decreasing the male component testosterone. Without going into details, i would like to conclude to you that, all that you hear is not always true. If you weigh the pros and cons of soy intake by men, you would see that both the sides are equally heavy. The key is to eat in moderation. Especially for vegetarians, where  the good protein sources are really limited, soy is one of the best Indian Vegetarian Foods for Bodybuilding

When to consume Tofu for bodybuilding:

The best time to take tofu for bodybuilding is as a post-workout snack or Post work out meal.

10.  Full-fat Cottage Cheese:

Seems yummy? Isn't it? Full-fat cottage cheese or paneer is one of the tastiest options for most vegans. Cottage cheese improves lean muscle mass. It contains casein protein that promotes a slow and steady rise in the level of amino acid in the blood. The cottage is packed with live cultures and healthy bacteria which facilitate the breakdown and absorption of nutrients that support muscle gain.

When to consume Paneer for bodybuilding:

The best time to take Paneer for bodybuilding is any time of the day and especially as a post workout snack.

11.  Leafy Greens:

Most people consider protein as the most vital requirement for muscle gain, but the fact remains that a balanced diet that consists of generous servings of leafy greens are crucial to building muscles. Leafy greens, such as romaine lettuce, spinach, and kale, are rich in calcium, vitamins A, B, C, D, and E, and folic acid, which enhance muscle concentration, reduce inflammation and neutralize the harmful effects of free radicals. The antioxidants boost muscle recovery and this, in turn, supports your bodybuilding efforts.

When to consume Green leafy vegetables for bodybuilding:

The best time to take Green leafy vegetables for bodybuilding is any time during the day.

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  • 3000 calorie Indian diet plan for weight gain
  • How to gain weight
  • Pre-workout nutrition
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  • Protein supplement guide

12.  Fruits:

Many bodybuilders prefer not to include fruits in their diet due to the high fructose content present in most fruits. However, certain fruits such as bananas, apples, and cantaloupes, are essential for muscle gain. The carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, and fiber present in these fruits contribute to an increase in lean muscle mass.

When to consume Fruits for bodybuilding:

The best time to take fruits for bodybuilding is as mid-meal snacks.

13. Seeds:

A muscle building diet should necessarily be a diet that contains seeds. Flax seeds, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, and chia seeds are rich sources of essential fatty acids, fiber, and protein. The essential fatty acids aid in tissue recovery after a workout and reduce inflammation. You may sprinkle these seeds in salads, curries, or smoothies.

When to consume Seeds for bodybuilding:

The best time to take seeds for bodybuilding is as a pre and post workout snack. These seeds can also be consumed early in the morning on empty stomach or as mid-meal snacks.

14. Brown Rice:

With rice being the most vital component of an Indian diet, it often becomes difficult for many people to compromise on rice intake. People who are looking to build muscles may consider including brown rice in their diet. Brown rice contains complex carbohydrates that have a slow digestibility rate which works to ensure a slow release of energy over a long time. Carbohydrates break down into glucose during digestion and glucose provides the maximum energy to drive cell function. At least 50- 60 percent of your daily calorie intake should be facilitated through the consumption of complex carbohydrates.

When to consume Brown Rice for bodybuilding:

The best time to take Brown Rice for bodybuilding is as a pre-workout Meal. (For ex. if you exercise in the evening at around 4.00 pm, have brown rice for lunch. )

15. Fermented Milk Products:


Image : Copyright: yuliya29 / 123RF Stock Photo

Fermented milk products such as yogurt generate more calories which help you stay energetic during the workout. Additionally, such products contain probiotics which aid in digestion and absorption of vital nutrients, thereby providing your muscles more strength to sustain stress.

When to consume  Yogurt for bodybuilding:

The best time to take Yogurt for bodybuilding is as a pre-workout snack and mid-meal snack.

These are the best Indian Vegetarian Foods for Bodybuilding. Sunny Deol or Hrithik Roshan-to-be who are looking to make a big name in the bodybuilding field should make an informed choice by carefully listening to their bodies. He-man or Hanuman? Lord Hanuman, an epitome of strength, glory, and masculinity, is noted for His 100 percent vegan food habits and discipline. The above-mentioned list of Indian Vegetarian Foods for Bodybuilding is worked under the same lines. Devotion and discipline make a man. Your diet, whether vegetarian or non-vegetarian, may be perfect, but you may fail to achieve your objectives if you lack commitment and determination. Hope these Indian Vegetarian Foods for Bodybuilding help you in achieving your target.

Image : Copyright: vladimirfloyd / 123RF Stock Photo

Indian Vegetarian Diet Plan for Bodybuilding
